Inner Journeys ­-­­­ Bao MC Yang
The Ambitious Empath Show
18: Embracing Change as a Sensitive Entrepreneur

18: Embracing Change as a Sensitive Entrepreneur

Hey there! Welcome to the Ambitious Empath Show. Today, I want to get personal and share my journey with you. So grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and let's dive in!

When I started as an emotional coach for ambitious empaths, I thought I had it all figured out. But life had other plans. I discovered a deep passion for copywriting and connecting through words. It was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle I didn't even know was incomplete.

Making the decision to shift my business direction wasn't easy. It meant leaving the familiar and stepping into the unknown. Doubts crept in, but I knew I had to honor my intuition and follow this new path.

Here's what I've learned: entrepreneurship is a journey of self-discovery. It's about listening to your inner voice and embracing change, even when it's scary. Trust the process and believe in your unique path.

So, ambitious empaths, take your time. Rest, reflect, and listen to your heart. Your journey is yours alone, and it's okay to change direction. Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace as you navigate this entrepreneurial adventure.

In this episode, I'll share my insights and experiences, exploring the power of intuition and authenticity. Let's embrace this journey together, step by step, and create a life and career that truly lights us up.

I'm excited to have you here. So let's dive in and connect on a deeper level.

Highlights of this episode:

  • Making big business shifts.

  • The peace and ease of following intuition.

  • The reason why I chose copywriting.

  • Entrepreneurship is a path to self-discovery.

  • Embracing change your way.


01:36 - Setting up the copywriting business.

02:20 - Making big business shifts.

05:08 - Why I chose copywriting

06:54 - Starting over again

09:56 - Embracing change your way

What are your thoughts for this episode? Let us know by sending a message on Instagram @baomcyang

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Inner Journeys ­-­­­ Bao MC Yang
The Ambitious Empath Show
Welcome to the Ambitious Empath Show! My name is Bao, your host and I am also a copywriter who writes website copy that connects with your soul clients on a deeper level.
I created this podcast as a safe place to talk about all the ups and downs of being an empath and an ambitious one in this world. Entrepreneurship is already tough, so we don't need to go through it alone.
Join me as I share insights, tips, and interview fellow ambitious empaths in navigating their sensitive gifts and use it as an advantage in life and business. If you are looking for a beautiful community of ambitious empaths and vibrant sensitives, this podcast is for you.
You can connect with me on Instagram @baomcyang, and visit my website, to learn more.