Inner Journeys ­-­­­ Bao MC Yang
The Ambitious Empath Show
02. How to Practice Self-Care as an Empath

02. How to Practice Self-Care as an Empath

What does your self-care look like? Each of us is unique, and that also goes with our way of caring for ourselves.

Practicing self-care gives you the power to take control of your life. It helps us better cope with the stressors life throws our way and gives us the resources to take on anything that comes our way. 

Investing in yourself greatly pays off, as practicing healthy self-care habits leads to improved mental well-being, strengthened relationships, and boosted productivity. Plus, taking time out for yourself provides an opportunity to re-energize, recharge, and refresh. When we take care of ourselves first, amazing outcomes are sure to follow!

This episode will answer questions about self-care, including the following:

  • What does self-care really mean

  • How to better practice it that is aligned with who you are

  • Why do you need it in your day-to-day life


00:00 - Introduction

01:52 - What is self-care?

03:40 - Why is self-awareness important for self-care?

05:01 - Self-care is about choice

08:06 - Way to make sure your self-care is effective and restorative

10:52 - Letting go of Invisible rules and deadlines

12:06 - Self-care leads you to self-actualization

14:56 - How to practice your own self-care

What are your thoughts on this episode? Let us know by sending a message on Instagram @baomcyang

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Inner Journeys ­-­­­ Bao MC Yang
The Ambitious Empath Show
Welcome to the Ambitious Empath Show! My name is Bao, your host and I am also a copywriter who writes website copy that connects with your soul clients on a deeper level.
I created this podcast as a safe place to talk about all the ups and downs of being an empath and an ambitious one in this world. Entrepreneurship is already tough, so we don't need to go through it alone.
Join me as I share insights, tips, and interview fellow ambitious empaths in navigating their sensitive gifts and use it as an advantage in life and business. If you are looking for a beautiful community of ambitious empaths and vibrant sensitives, this podcast is for you.
You can connect with me on Instagram @baomcyang, and visit my website, to learn more.